Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday Myths Debunked - No Pain No Gain

How many times have we heard the saying, "No pain, no gain" - when we train, when we played organized sports, from our old coaches, maybe even from our parents.

There are myths that get stated as fact on a regular basis, and if heard enough, people start to believe them as just that. However, this all too familiar quote can be very detrimental to those believing it to be accurate.

"No pain, No gain" implies we must be hurting in one way or another to see results. The truth? While an intense workout will undoubtedly result in some soreness one or two days after, pain should not be felt during an exercise.

If your shoulder is popping, or you feel pain in your elbow do not assume it is as it should be and continue. If your knee is hurting while doing a specific exercise, stop and ask a trainer if there is a better way to perform the exercise. You would be amazed if you knew the multiple ways in which to modify an exercise. If there is not a way to modify, the trainer should be able to give you a new exercise that will target the same muscle group, but will not negatively impact the area where you are feeling pain.

We all have little glitches in our bodies. Many times, old injuries suffered as kids on the basketball court will resurface as we age. That shoulder you dislocated in football 20 years ago may not have caused many problems, but as you get older you may feel it clicking when working out. Don't assume all is well, while thinking, "Ahhh, no pain, no gain" because you will most likely injure it further.

It is always good to consult with your doctor before beginning any intense training. The last thing you want is to work hard at getting in better shape, only to be forced to stop by a nagging back injury. The point of exercising isn't to push through pain but to take things as slow as your body needs to strengthen its weak points, benefiting you greatly in the long run.

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