Monday, February 6, 2012

Pre-Valentines: Put the LIFE back into your love life!

Hormones play such an important part in how we look, feel, think and act. Rock Workout is teaming with Kincaid Medical on February 12th from 2-5 for a WOMEN'S ONLY workshop - Putting the LIFE back into your love life! Free hormone testing, antioxidant scans, speak with Dr. Rosa Kincaid, MD, an Anti-Aging Expert; a pharmacist will be on hand to answer your questions, and Val Strang, Master Trainer will teach a class - Exercises to improve your love life!

Register for $10 at 314.531.7625 TODAY - reserve your spot - space is limited!

1 comment:

  1. Stress-related gut issues like irritable bowel syndrome are very common. Managing stress through diet, exercise, sleep and relaxation helps stabilize digestion. Probiotic foods like yogurt, kefir and fermented foods help replenish healthy gut bacteria. Reducing sources of gut irritation like spicy foods, alcohol and caffeine can also improve gut-stress connection.
