Monday, February 6, 2012

Pre-Valentines: Put the LIFE back into your love life!

Hormones play such an important part in how we look, feel, think and act. Rock Workout is teaming with Kincaid Medical on February 12th from 2-5 for a WOMEN'S ONLY workshop - Putting the LIFE back into your love life! Free hormone testing, antioxidant scans, speak with Dr. Rosa Kincaid, MD, an Anti-Aging Expert; a pharmacist will be on hand to answer your questions, and Val Strang, Master Trainer will teach a class - Exercises to improve your love life!

Register for $10 at 314.531.7625 TODAY - reserve your spot - space is limited!

Exercises & your brain...

Exercise is not only great for your body - it has been shown to be good for your brain too! If you ever get a case of brain a few exercises..and your mental clarity will soar! MS clients greatly benefit from exercise as it also increases pathways in brains - so instead of information going down a "super highway", it also has side streets if needed!

Muscles, skeleton, tendons, ligaments, heart, lungs.. and now...BRAIN! Exercise can make you look better and smarter too! Who would have thought? V

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Strength-training injuries among women have jumped a whopping 63 percent according to Michelle Hamilton of Women's Health.

Skipping your warm-up is a huge mistake!

You wouldn't launch into an all-out sprint the second you stepped onto a treadmill, so you shouldn't jump right into deadlifts the instant you hit the weight room. "Working cold, stiff muscles can lead to sprains and tears," says Morey Kolber, Ph.D., a professor of physical therapy at Nova Southeastern University in Florida. "Warming up increases circulation and improves range of motion, which preps your muscles and joints for action." What to do? Walk or jog for 5 to 10 minutes, do a few lunges and push ups... warming specific muscle groups before you start lifting!

FORM IS EVERYTHING - if you aren't sure how to do an exercise, ask a professional!

Go lighter in weights until you know the form - and are comfortable with it, then add no more than 5% at a time to avoid injuries.

Women - please do not copy your boyfriends workout... most women want different results than men, and we need to train specifically for our body frame! And just because it works for your best friend, doesn't mean the exercises are what you need... again, ask a professional!

Women have more knee problems than men because of our "Q angles": if it hurts a joint, don't do it! You may just need a little tweaking in form to make it work for you.


Any questions, contact - we will be happy to answer them!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Turning Cancer Survivors Into Cancer Conquerors

Val Strang: Turning Cancer Survivors into Cancer Conquerors

Val Strang isn’t your typical personal trainer. Not only is she providing a certifiable butt-kicking to her clients at her studio, , she is also changing lives. Val has dedicated much of her business to helping sufferers of cancer live healthy lives through her individually-catered workouts and consultations. Pedal the Cause had the opportunity to meet this Master Trainer and Cancer Exerciser Specialist to find out more about her special work with cancer patients.

Val began her work with cancer patients at the Cancer Support Community, formerly known as The Wellness Community, when they asked if she would come in for a few days to work with cancer patients. She enjoyed her experience so much with those at the Cancer Support Community that she became a Certified Cancer Exercise Specialist. “I realized this was what all my years of studying was for—to help people feel better and stronger at the most vulnerable time of a patient’s life!”

Since then, her clientele has grown and she now works regularly with the Cancer Support Community, providing free classes to cancer clients and individualized personal training. She empowers her clients with both physical and mental strength as they battle their illness, first by preaching her motto to her new clients that they are “Cancer Conquerors” rather than simply survivors. “To be a survivor, you need to be breathing. To be a Conqueror, you regain living and so much more. I want people to feel ALIVE AGAIN—not just existing, going through the motions of life.”

Val’s passion to help those living with cancer is undoubtedly making an impact in the St. Louis cancer community. And in return, her clients continue to make an impact on her. “I am astounded by their inner strength, compassion for others, and determination. They give so much more to me that I could ever teach them. No matter how tired I am before working with a group, I leave feeling unbelievably energized!”

Val will be helping us in our mission to fund research for cancer this year and we are grateful to have her support! To learn more about Val and her studio, Rock. Workout, click here.